Universal Audio Apollo Solo Heritage Edition USB-C

Universal Audio Apollo Solo Heritage Edition USB-C

Universal Audio Apollo Solo Heritage Edition Thunderbolt 3

Universal Audio Apollo Solo Heritage Edition Thunderbolt 3

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Universal Audio Apollo Solo Heritage Edition USB-C

EGP 50,810.01
Desktop 2x4 USB audio interface for Windows 10 with class-leading 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion, Unison mic preamp and guitar amp emulations from Neve,® API,® Manley,® Marshall,® Fender,® and more ,USB-3 Type C
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Universal Audio

<h2>Shape your Recordings Into Records with Genuine UA Conversion and Classic Studio&nbsp;Sounds.</h2> <div> <p>Apollo Solo is the world’s finest Thunderbolt 3-powered desktop recording audio interface for Mac and Windows —&nbsp;delivering class‑leading audio conversion, two Unison<sup>™</sup>&nbsp;mic preamps, and a suite of onboard UAD plug-ins for recording album‑quality results, in real&nbsp;time.<br><br>This compact 2x4 interface starts with esteemed Apollo A/D and D/A conversion to sonically outperform anything in its class. And with its Unison technology and built-in UAD‑2 processing, you can record through classic studio tools including the UA 610‑B Tube Preamp &amp; EQ, LA‑2A and 1176 compressors, and more —&nbsp;with near‑zero&nbsp;latency.</p> <p>NOW YOU&nbsp;CAN:</p> <div> <div>Record with class-leading A/D and D/A conversion — as heard on hundreds of&nbsp;hit&nbsp;records</div> <div> <p>Track with near-zero latency through mic preamp and guitar amp emulations from Neve,<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;API,<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;Fender,<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;and more using Unison<sup>™</sup>&nbsp;technology<sup>*</sup></p> </div> <div> <p>Mix with included UAD plug‑ins like the Teletronix<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;LA‑2A and 1176 compressors, Pultec<sup>®</sup> EQs, and more</p> </div> <div> <p>Includes LUNA Recording System — a fully-integrated and inspiring music production application (Mac only)</p> <p>Create on-the-go with a sonically superior, bus-powered interface with rugged all‑metal construction</p> <div> <p>Enjoy clear, detailed monitoring with the best-sounding headphone amplifier in&nbsp;its&nbsp;class</p> <h2>Unison<sup>™</sup>&nbsp;Technology for Stunning<br>Mic and Guitar Preamp&nbsp;Emulations</h2> <p>Apollo Solo's Unison technology gives you the tone, touch, and “feel” of the world's most sought‑after preamps. These include the bundled UA 610‑B Tube Preamp, plus authentic mic preamp emulations from Neve<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;and API,<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;plus guitar amp emulations from Fender<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;and Marshall<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;— complete with their signature impedance, gain stage “sweet spots,” and component‑level circuit&nbsp;behaviors.<sup>*</sup><br><br>The secret to Unison is its hardware‑software integration between Apollo Solo’s mic preamps and its onboard UAD-2 processing. Simply place a Unison preamp plug-in on your mic input in Apollo's Console software, and it physically reconfigures Apollo’s impedance and gain staging —&nbsp;giving you the classic tube and transformer sounds of the world’s most recorded mic preamps and guitar&nbsp;amps.</p> <h2>Create with a Fast, Natural&nbsp;Workflow&nbsp;in&nbsp;LUNA</h2> <p>Apollo Solo is the ideal entry point to LUNA, UA’s groundbreaking music production application. Whether you’re exploring the analog sounds and workflow of Neve summing and Studer tape Extensions or creating with inspiring LUNA Instruments like Moog Minimoog and Ravel grand piano, LUNA transforms Apollo Solo into a fully‑integrated recording&nbsp;system. Mac&nbsp;only.</p> <h2>A Full Suite of Classic<br>Studio Processing Onboard</h2> <p>Right out of the box, Apollo Solo provides a suite of incredible analog emulation plug‑ins including the world’s only authentic Teletronix LA‑2A and 1176LN compressors, Pultec EQs, and much more. From the tube warmth of the Pultec EQ on guitars, to the gentle limiting of the LA‑2A on vocals, your recordings will take a giant leap forward in rich, sonically complex analog&nbsp;sound.</p> <div> <h2>Access the World of UAD&nbsp;Powered&nbsp;Plug‑Ins</h2> </div> <div> <div> <div><picture><source srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected]" media="(max-width: 768px)" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected]"><source srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/uad_plug-ins_awards_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected] 2x" media="(max-width: 769px)" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/uad_plug-ins_awards_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected] 2x"><img src="" srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/uad_plug-ins_awards_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected] 2x" alt="" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/uad_plug-ins_awards_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/u/a/[email protected] 2x"></picture></div> </div> </div> <div> <p>Beyond the included Realtime Analog Classics plug‑ins, Apollo Solo lets you tap into the full library of award‑winning UAD Powered Plug-Ins —&nbsp;including vintage EQs, Compressors, Reverbs, Tape Machines, Auto‑Tune and more —&nbsp;in real time. With exclusive emulations from Neve, Ampex, Lexicon, Fender, Antares, Moog, and more,<sup>*</sup>&nbsp;the creative possibilities are nearly&nbsp;endless.</p> <div> <div> <div> <div> <h2>Vintage Guitar and&nbsp;Bass&nbsp;Amps</h2> <p>For guitarists and bassists, Apollo Solo includes Unison technology on its front panel instrument input —&nbsp;giving you access to dead-on emulations of amps like the Fender<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;'55 Tweed Deluxe, Ampeg<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;B‑15N Bass Amplifier, and the included Marshall<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;Plexi Classic —&nbsp;all available at near-zero latency for songwriting and&nbsp;recording.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><picture><source srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_mob_@2x_1.jpg" media="(max-width: 768px)" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_mob_@2x_1.jpg"><source srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_@2x_1.jpg 2x" media="(max-width: 769px)" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_@2x_1.jpg 2x"><img src="" srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_@2x_1.jpg 2x" alt="Best-in-Class Headphone Amplifier" data-srcset="https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_1.jpg 1x,https://media.uaudio.com/assetlibrary/a/p/apollo_solo_feature_1_@2x_1.jpg 2x"></picture></div> <div> <div> <h2>Best-in-Class Headphone&nbsp;Amplifier</h2> <p>Apollo Solo's onboard headphone output is louder and punchier, with lower noise and flatter frequency response versus any interface in its class. This means you can confidently track and mix using headphones, knowing you're hearing every sonic&nbsp;detail.</p> <h2>Ready to&nbsp;Go</h2> <p>With its robust all-metal construction and bus-powered Thunderbolt 3 operation, Apollo Solo is the only "clutter‑free" portable audio interface that truly delivers album‑quality results. It’s like having a virtual analog studio that fits onto any desktop, and easily travels in your laptop&nbsp;bag.</p> <h2>Apollo Heritage&nbsp;Edition</h2> <p>Featuring 5 premium UAD titles— including complete plug-in Collections of our award-winning Teletronix<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;and UA 1176 compressors, Pultec<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;EQs, UA 610 mic preamps, and more — Apollo Heritage Edition gives you a curated analog studio, right out of the&nbsp;box.</p> </div> <h3>Features</h3> <p>Desktop 2x4 Thunderbolt 3-powered audio interface with class-leading 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion<br><br>Unison mic preamp and guitar amp emulations from Neve,® API,® Manley,® Marshall,® Fender,® and more*<br><br>Realtime UAD Processing allows near-zero latency tracking with classic UAD plug-in effects, regardless of software buffer setting<br><br>Includes studio compressors, EQs, reverbs, and guitar amp emulations, and more as part of “Realtime Analog Classics” bundle<br><br>Best-in-class headphone amplifier for loud, detailed, low-noise monitoring<br><br>USB 3 (Type-C) cable sold separately</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

More Information
Brand Universal Audio
Sample Rate 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
Resolution 24 Bit
Operating System Requirements
    • PC with available built-in* USB 3 SuperSpeed (Type-A or Type-C port)


    • Intel Core i-Series or Xeon processor*


    • Windows 10 64-Bit Edition


    • USB 3 Type-C cable (not included)*


    • Internet connection to download software and authorize UAD plug-ins


    • 6 GB available storage






    • IF-certified USB 3 SuperSpeed cable (Type-A to Type-C, or Type-C to Type-C)


    • Quad Core i7 or better recommended for optimum DAW performance


    • USB 3 adapters (such as PCIe-to-USB 3 expansion cards) are not tested


  • 2-in-1 systems (notebook/tablet) are not recommended
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